Now, let's get started and create a game board or play field. You're going to do this by using a primitive plane. Primitives are simple pieces of geometry which come bundled with the Unity editor. They can be useful for creating simple prototypes without the need of an artist. Planes are two-dimensional surfaces. In this case, you'll be using a plane as the ground for your game. All objects in your scene are GameObjects including the plane. To create a plane GameObject, either go to the menu and select GameObject, 3D Object > Plane, or you can go to the Hierarchy and use the create menu. Next, rename your plane GameObject, Ground. You can do this by either selecting the GameObject and using the Enter key to allow editing, or by the title box in the inspector. Type in the new name and press Enter or Return to confirm this change. Then, select the vertical ellipses menu in the upper right and reset the Transform component. This will place the GameObject at the location of 0,0,0 in your scene. This is known as the origin point of the world. And this is where all of the coordinates in the scene are calculated from. Cool, right? Make sure the Ground GameObject is selected and the cursor is over your Scene view. Then press F to see the entire GameObject in the Scene view. You can also select Frame Selected in the Edit menu. In the scene, you can now see grid lines indicating a plane on the Y axis. You can use the Grid Settings menu at the top of the scene view to change the axis and opacity. Next, you'll configure the plane for your game.