To finish up your UI work, let's add a simple message for the player when they've collected all the cubes. First, create another UI text object. In the Hierarchy, select the Add button and go to UI > Text - TextMeshPro. and go to UI > Text - TextMeshPro. Just like before, the new UI element has been created as a child of a Canvas GameObject. Rename the UI GameObject WinText. In the Inspector, find the vertex color property in the TextMeshPro component and use the color picker to set this to black. Let's also make this text a little smaller. Set the font size to 32. You could also make it bold using the B button in the font style field. In the text field add You Win! Lastly, let's adjust the alignment of the text to the center of the player's screen, but raised above the middle on the vertical axis, so you won't cover the player's sphere. By default, the UI text element is anchored to the center of the canvas. So you just need to raise it and move it across. In the Rect Transform component, set the pos X value to about zero, and the pos Y to 130. Let's also set the alignment to center. Then, save the scene and switch back to your script editor. Now you need to add a reference for this UI text to the player controller script. But as you only need to disable and enable the text, you can just create a reference to the GameObject. At the top of the script with the other variable, create a new public variable of the type GameObject, and call it winTextObject. Remember to add a semicolon at the end of the declaration. Next, let's set the starting state for the object to be disabled. This text should only display when the player has completed the game. Because it's a starting state, add the code disabling the UI text to the start function. Write an instruction using the same method that you used to disable the collectable cube GameObjects on collision. winTextObject.SetActive ; You also need to set when the UI text GameObject will be activated. Let's add this to the SetCountText function. Underneath the instructions, setting the count value UI text, write if if if Then add curly braces to contain the code. An important note. If you add a different number of collectible cubes to the game, perhaps a few more than 12 or a few less, your if conditional statement must reference that number. Otherwise, the game end text may display too early or might not display at all. Inside the curly braces, set the win text object to active. winTextObject.SetActive ; winTextObject.SetActive ; winTextObject.SetActive ; Then save your script and return to the Unity editor. Just like before, the Player Controller component has a new UI text property. Select the Player GameObject in the Hierarchy, then drag the WinText GameObject from the Hierarchy into the slot. Save the scene and enter play mode to test your changes. So, the player can collect all the cubes, see the count go up and then receive a win message when they've collected them all, awesome. In the final section of this project, you'll create a build of your game and deploy it using a stand-alone player. You're almost finished.