In the last video, you wrote a declaration for the OnMove function. Next, let's use the method Get to get to movement input data from the sphere and store it as a Vector2 variable. In the space inside the OnMove function, add the line, Vector2 movementVector = movementValue.get < Vector2 > ; This code takes or gets the Vector2 data from the movement value and stores it in a Vector2 variable you are creating called movementVector. The player GameObject uses a Rigidbody and interacts with a physics engine. Next, you need to use the variable you just created to add or apply forces to the Rigidbody and move the player GameObject in the scene. To do this, your Player Controller script will need to access the Rigidbody component and add force to the player GameObject. First, let's create a variable to hold the reference in the script. Above the Start function, add the following code, private Rigidbody rb; This will create a private variable of the type Rigidbody and call that variable rb. This will hold a reference to the Rigidbody you need to access. The variable is private and not public, because you don't need this variable to be accessible from the Inspector or from other scripts right now. Next, inside the Start function, write rb = GetComponent ; This sets the value of the variable rb by getting a reference to the Rigidbody component attached to the player sphere GameObject. There is definitely a rigidbody component attached to the GameObject because you added that component earlier. All of the code in the Start function is called on the first frame that the script is active. This is often the very first frame of the game. So the player will be able to move the sphere straight away. Now you need to set up the Fixed Update function so you can call add force on the Rigidbody stored in the variable rb. First, create a new function called FixedUpdate below the Start function. And just like that function, the type should be void because it will perform a task and not return any values, and there should be no parameters in the parentheses. You'll learn more about the uses of the void type with functions as you continue your programming learning journey. Remember to add a set of curly braces beneath the function declaration. This is where you'll add your code. Excellent. In the next video, you'll add force to the player GameObject's Rigidbody.