Okay, you've almost finished setting up the player movement, but the speed isn't quite right. Let's go back to your script editor to fix that. First, let's add a speed variable to the script, so that you can control the player movement from inside the Inspector. Go to the start of the script, where you have declared other variables. Add a public float variable called speed, to the start of the script with a starting value of zero. To do this, write public float speed = 0; Next, back in Fixed Update, multiply the force you are adding to the sphere's Rigidbody, by this strength variable. To do this, revise your line of code to, rb.AddForce ; Then save your script, and return to the editor. Because you made the speed variable public, you can find it in the Inspector on the Player Controller script component. Let's try changing the variable's value to ten, to see if the speed is fast enough to improve the player experience. Enter play mode, and test the revised movement. Great. This looks like a good speed for the player, and the value is now exposed, so you can adjust it easily from the Unity editor if you need to. Exit play mode, and then save your changes to the scene. Congratulations. The player can now move the sphere. In the next section of this project, you'll explore how to set up the camera for your game.