Now that you've created a player object and a game environment, it's time to think about how the player GameObject should move and behave. It needs to be able to roll around on the game area, bump into walls but stay on the ground and not fly off into space, and collide with collectable GameObjects to pick them up. These things require physics. To use physics, the GameObject needs a Rigidbody component. To attach this, you need to, in the Hierarchy, select the player GameObject. Next, in the Inspector, select Add Component then search for Rigidbody, and add it to the sphere. You can collapse or expand the component view by clicking on the component's title bar. Whenever you expand a component like this, it will also toggle the relevant gizmos for that component in the Scene view. Okay, now that the player GameObject can interact with the physics system, it's time to apply some forces to it. In the next video, you'll install the Input System package so you can do just that.