Now that you've created a pickup tag, you can use it to make sure the sphere only disables the correct GameObject. Let's do that using an if statement. This means that if a certain condition is met, the script will behave in a specified way. To create the if statement, you're going to use CompareTag. CompareTag can compare the tag of any GameObject to a string value. At the top of the function body for OnTriggerEnter, write, if( other.gameObject .CompareTag( "PickUp" and then close that statement with two closed brackets. This is the if statement. Be careful here. Comparison is case sensitive. Make sure to write the tag exactly as you did it in the Unity Editor. Next, add a set of curly braces and cut and paste the line that reads, other.gameObject.SetActive ; other.gameObject.SetActive ; other.gameObject.SetActive ; Now this code will be called every time the sphere GameObject touches a trigger collider. It will receive a reference for the collider that the sphere has hit, and then check its tag. If it is a collectible object, the script will call SetActive which will deactivate the GameObject. Let's save this script and then return to the editor and enter play mode to test the game. So the target is set correctly, but the sphere is still bouncing off the pickup cubes just like we were bouncing off the walls. In the next video, you'll explore why this is happening and fix it.