Before you begin to create your game, you need to set up your workspace and create a new scene. In the top right of the Unity window, you will find a dropdown menu labeled Layout. A layout is a collection of stored positions of the tabs in Unity. These tutorials use the Default Layout so it's easier for you to follow along. But you can change and save layouts you enjoy by using this menu. These are saved in the Unity editor settings so you can store and use them for different projects. Now you've set a layout, you're ready to create a new scene. Scenes are ways to organize the things in your game. You can think of them as different levels. The template scene that is currently loaded showcases some of the basic features of URP. Feel free to explore it before you create your own. To create a new scene in the editor, in the top menu, go to File > New Scene. Before you save, let's create a new template folder within the Assets directory and move all of the existing asset folders there to keep the project organized. It's super important to keep your project tidy, trust me. It will help you and others find assets later down the line. Next, save the scene by going back to File > Save As. Now save your scene into the new folder called Scenes. Let's call the scene MiniGame. In the project window, you can now see the scenes folder. And inside that, the scene called MiniGame. Now that you've set up your scene, in the next video, you'll start creating the play area for your game.